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The promotion and coordination of studies on the Shroud is the central mission of the CISS. In fact, it promotes studies in Italy and throughout the world by inviting scientists - doctors, mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, computer scientists - to discuss them together with historians, theologians and biblical scholars. The goal is to deepen knowledge of the Shroud in order to try to answer the questions left unanswered by the Linen : the mystery of the formation of the image , its correspondence with the story of the Gospels, the story of suffering that remains impressed on the Linen. Questions that have stimulated and continue to stimulate scholars, the faithful and all men of piety who seek explanations for the ever-increasing number of evils in the world.

The International Center for Shroud Studies offers here a selection of documents : these are interventions and comments dedicated to the Cloth written by members of the scientific committee of the CISS or contributions that are considered useful to make available.

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