In 1959, together with CISS, the magazine "Sindon" was also born, issued semi-annually. Until 2003, it was published in print. In 2020, sixty years after its foundation, the magazine was reborn in a free digital version .
"Sindon" aims to contribute to the knowledge of the Shroud and to serve as a point of reference in this agitated ocean of information. It does not intend to publish new or unpublished scientific articles - which must follow the usual channels of publication in accredited journals - but it will take care to make these texts understandable, and will take stock of the development of research and debate on the many open questions in multidisciplinary research on the Shroud.
New digital series from 2020 to today
Click on the cover to read online , or on the links below to download the pdf
New digital series
PDFs available for download
ARCHIVE of the "SINDON" Magazine since 1959