The International Center for Shroud Studies organizes and coordinates study days , conventions and conferences both in Italy and abroad. These events can have a strictly scientific approach involving the greatest experts in the various disciplines or with a popular purpose to make the curious aware of and approach the Shroud.
The events can be organized together with other organizations in the world of culture, science and in collaboration with public and private organizations that recognize the Shroud's precious role in the historical and cultural panorama.
Another important area of commitment is the training courses with a monographic focus and collaborations with university institutes or with approval from the Ministry of Education . Courses have recently been activated at the Pontifical Salesian University , the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy (parallel section of Turin), the Diocese of Fabriano-Matelica .
CISS is available to evaluate collaborations, personalized training courses and conferences based on the objectives agreed with the applicants.
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