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This page aims to systematically collect all the episodes of “La Sindone da Ascolta” , the podcast conceived and created by CISS. We also offer you all the necessary information to be able to find, listen to or download the episodes comfortably from the various hosting platforms on which we are present. Podcasting dedicated to the Sindone is a new offer in the field of dissemination of the Sindone which, on the one hand, wants to recognize the recent great development of this type of communication tool and, on the other, wants to resume and renew the tradition of attention of the CISS towards the blind and visually impaired , trying to meet their particular needs in using the contents.


The challenge is extremely stimulating, considering the particular characteristic of the Shroud of being, probably, the image par excellence and that, as such, necessarily needs to be “seen”.
Being able to communicate the Shroud using only words is the goal of this initiative: we believe it is not only possible but also necessary and useful for everyone.

The Shroud speaks and tells a lot about us even without being able to contemplate it with our eyesight: there are “gazes” that do not need eyes


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