Diocesi di Torino
Sito del Gruppo Napoletano di Sindonogia, spazio web di riferimento della Delegazione CIS Sud Italia e Sicilia guidata da Walter Memmolo.
El portal sobre el estudio y difusión de la Sábana Santa, el Sudario de Oviedo y otras reliquias
Ce site est destiné aux chercheurs qui désirent faire avancer les connaissances soit sur un point particulier, soit en épistémologie (étudier et lever les contradictions apparentes entre disciplines)
The Turin Shroud Center of Colorado (TSC) is among the world’s foremost scientific research and education centers on the Shroud. John Jackson, PhD in physics, who was the research leader of the famous STURP research expedition to study the Shroud in Turin, Italy in 1978, is the head of TSC’s research team in Colorado
Centro Mexicano de Sindonología. Estudios y difusión de la Sábana Santa Noticias recientes sobre la Sábana Santa
This web site will keep you abreast of current research, provide you with accurate data from the previous research and let you interact with the researchers themselves.
Scientifically, we don’t know the age of the Shroud of Turin. But we do know it is at least twice as old as the now discredited carbon 14 date. As for the images, we have no idea how they are formed. But we do know that they were not made by any known artistic method. The Atheist, the skeptic, the rationalist must accept the scientific facts just as a Christian should. To deny that the shroud is authentic requires a leap of faith. So does affirmation. But the Christian who thinks it is the real.
Rendere praticabile il significativo patrimonio culturale ecclesiastico del Piemonte e delle Valle d’Aosta anche attraverso la rete a pellegrini e visitatori è l’obiettivo del Portale “Città’ e Cattedrali”, che intende mettere a sistema la valorizzazione di luoghi di storia e di arte sacra aperti e fruibili, arricchendoli con itinerari di visita geografici e tematici, corredati da ampie descrizioni
Vatican Insider è dedicato all’informazione globale sul Vaticano, l’attività del Papa e della Santa Sede, la presenza internazionale della Chiesa cattolica e i temi religiosi
Tal vez uno de los más grandes desafíos para el hombre de hoy es saber dar razón de sus creencias más profundas. Lo que quiero compartir con ustedes en este blog son artículos, mensajes, escritos que nos ayuden a encontrar las razones profundas para creer
L’association « Montre Nous Ton visage », consacrée à la connaissance et à la contemplation du Linceul de Turin propose sur son site des expositions, des conférences et des publications régulières sur l’actualité des travaux concernant le Linceul.